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The Dartmouth
March 8, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Claire Pingitore
Claire ('24) is a writer for The Dartmouth. She is from Needham, Massachusetts, and is interested in global health, psychology and anthropology.

Skiway Offers Socially Distant Opportunities for Winter

Each day’s early sunset is a reminder that winter is coming. The intensity of the cold and the scarcity of the daylight hours strengthen the appeal of the indoors. But as COVID-19 cases rise and many students plan to return to campus in the winter, the announcement of the Dartmouth Skiway’s reopening was a bright point in a dreary-looking flurry of information.


The UGA Lifestyle: Regulating Residents During COVID-19

Undergraduate advisors have been busy this term with the normal demands of their jobs. That includes checking in on students’ wellbeing, creating floor programs and activities and in the case of my UGA, effortlessly opening the door to Topliff washer #2 after I thought it was stuck shut and would hold my clothes hostage forever. This fall, however, UGAs are also tasked with the extra responsibilities of enforcing the College’s COVID-19 policies.

The Rockapellas, an all-women a cappella group, perform at V-February in 2016.

Remote Recruitment: Performing Arts Groups Welcome ’24s

In most years, new students hoping to join one of Dartmouth’s performing arts groups attend in-person events and auditions. This year, since singing, dancing or breathing next to someone has become the stuff of nightmares, performance groups adapted their audition processes to work in a socially distanced way.

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