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The Dartmouth
March 15, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Troy Palmer
The Setonian

Dartmouth: An Evolution?

The coming week will mark two years since Lohse published “Telling the Truth,” his op-ed in The Dartmouth that accused Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity of widespread hazing and ignited the now-familiar firestorm surrounding Dartmouth’s social scene. The anniversary allows us to reflect on the two-year-long debate. What has changed? What hasn’t changed? Will Dartmouth continue to pursue solutions to hazing issues, or are Lohse and his controversy fading from the forefront of our preoccupations?


Shades of Green

Allison Wang / The Dartmouth Senior Staff When I scoured the Internet as a high school junior, lost in the wilderness of college decisions, my Google-powered soul search came to a screeching halt when I arrived at the Dartmouth College Wikipedia page.

The Setonian

With Friends Like These...

Have you ever really finished a game of Monopoly? Me neither. I grew up under the assumption that "winning" at Monopoly is that moment when, in tears, your opponent melodramatically accepts defeat.

The Setonian

Winter Wonderings

You're hanging out with your public policy textbook and KAF chai latte in the 1902 Room because it's totally trendy and totally hardcore.

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