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The Dartmouth
July 12, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Todd Steiner
The Setonian

Geology professor wins top national award

The National Science Foundation has selected Naomi Oreskes, an assistant professor of earth sciences and adjunct professor of history, to receive a 1993 Young Investigator Award. The combination of an annual stipend of $25,000 and a NSF guarantee to match any money Oreskes raises from alumni or other sources will allow her access to $315,000 over the next five years. "The awards are very competitive and prestigious since recipients can do things that typical grants might not let them do," said James Wright, the program director at the National Science Foundation. "The nice thing about it is that while most other awards have very specific restrictions about what you can use the money for, this one is fairly open ended," Oreskes said.

The Setonian

From Dartmouth to world races

Annie Kakela '92 and Ted Murphy '94 will compete on the United States crew teams at the World Championships in Prague, Czechoslovakia next month. Kakela, who was involved with the U.S.

The Setonian

Young alumni win international crew race

Dragseth, Lowell, under Dartmouth coaching, win the gold at the World University Games Nick Lowell '93 and Dave Dragseth '93 won gold medals at the World University Games in Ontario last month when their crew boat rowed to an upset victory for the United States. They were both members of an eight man team coached by Scott Armstrong, Dartmouth's varsity heavyweight coach. Teams from Britain, Canada, France and Germany were all favored to win over the Americans. The British boat took an early lead in the race.

The Setonian

DHMC cancer program reaches out to rural areas

Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center's Norris Cotton Cancer Center has announced a new collaboration with New Hampshire and Vermont physicians which is designed to extend the reach of experimental cancer treatments to patients in local rural areas. The program is the first to directly involve community physicians in highly sophisticated investigational treatments, according to Dr. L.

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