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The Dartmouth
November 28, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Suparna Dutta
The Setonian

Kemp, McKeown to go on three-year missions

While most members of the Class of 1998 will return to the College this fall to face crowded housing conditions and long wait lists for classes, freshmen Jason Kemp and Morgan McKeown will be in the Philippines and Argentina. But Kemp and McKeown will not be on vacation.

The Setonian

Society marks 75 years of community service

The Green Key Society, a group of 20 students dedicated to service to the College community, has evolved into a much different organization today than when it was founded 75 years ago. The Green Key Society was started when the Dartmouth football team visited the University of Washington and were impressed with the hospitality of the University's service organization, "Knights of the Hook." The "Knights" greeted the football team at the train station, provided transportation and guides, and introduced the players to women in the area.

The Setonian

Alumni director chosen

Bringing with him more than 20 years of experience in the field of higher education, Nelson Armstrong '71 has been named the College's new director of Alumni Relations. "We were looking to find someone with experience in alumni relations, who would understand the issues facing the Dartmouth program, who had new initiative from the national scene and had specific visions for what alumni relations should be in the future," said Stanley Colla '66, the College's vice president of development and alumni relations. Dartmouth's Office of Alumni Relations is the College's link to its more than 47,000 alumni. "I am absolutely thrilled with getting this job," Armstrong said.

The Setonian

Wood discusses the evolution of chivalry

History Professor Charles Wood discussed "Froissart's Chronicles: Memorial Field and the Concept of Chivalry" for the eighth annual Presidential Lecture Wednesday afternoon in Alumni Hall. The Presidential Lecture series was established by College President James Freedman when he became president eight years ago.

The Setonian

ORL to renovate dorms

This summer the Fayer-weather cluster of dormitories will undergo substantial renovations and the Choates cluster of dorms will get some minor ones. The $750,000 renovations to the Fayerweathers will include the installation of carpeting throughout the cluster, new lighting, new furniture and improvements to the heating system to reduce pipe banging, said Woody Eckels, director of residential operations. In addition, rooms will be painted, a sprinkler system will be installed and the computer and phone wiring will be upgraded, Eckels said. The renovations will be similar to the ones made last summer to New Hampshire Hall, Eckels said. "The Fayerweathers are also getting new emergency generators for emergency equipment when the power goes out," Eckels said.

The Setonian

Doctors re-examine Chinese medicine

In a three-hour symposium on Chinese medicine yesterday, Timothy Timmons and San Hong Hwang spoke about practices ranging from acupuncture to tongue diagnosis to a 50-person crowd in Loew Auditorium. The two speakers, who are both doctors at the Samra University of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles, Calif., focused on the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. "The biggest difference ... is the fact that Western medicine is population based, and Chinese medicine focuses on individually-based therapy and ... is more focused on primary care," Timmons said. Both doctors said Western practitioners are using more elements of Chinese medicine in everyday treatment and are adopting some of the basic philosophies of Eastern medicine.

The Setonian

Telethon starts up fast

The College raised more than $260,000 in the first three days of the annual student telethon and with eight days remaining is well on the way to achieving a $500,000 goal. Each year student volunteers raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the College by making calls across the country.

The Setonian

SA picks new members

The Student Assembly nominations committee granted 18 students membership on the Assembly last week. The committee, co-chaired by seniors Matthew Berry and Mark Waterstraat, spent the last two weeks reviewing applications. Students who wish to be Assembly members must attend three consecutive Assembly meetings and then submit an application to the nominations committee. Once approved, students become full voting members of the Assembly. Eleven freshmen were admitted to the Assembly.

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