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The Dartmouth
January 21, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Street Roberts

TTLG: The Dartmouth Bells

This article is featured in the 2024 Commencement & Reunions special issue. Bong. Bong. Bong. The Baker bells thunder outside my freshman dorm room in Wheeler Hall. Half asleep, I roll over in bed and reach down to the ground to check my phone: 8:30 a.m. Ugh. The clanging of the bells interrupts ...


The Last Editors’ Note of the 180th Directorate

Here it is, everyone! Our final Editors’ Note of the year and of the 180th Directorate.  Omala, here.  I’ve always found that reaching the end is a bizarre feeling. I have struggled my whole life with nostalgic depression and knowing that there are feelings and places that I will never ...

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Editor's Note

On Monday, after a day spent conducting interviews for my design project, converting data on endangered species into a usable format and scrambling to fill out job applications before their deadline, I decided to put aside work for the night at 9:30 p.m. I listened to one friend tell us about her grandfather’s ...

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Editor's Note

Being accepted to Dartmouth brought tears to my eyes. I remember staring at my acceptance later hours after the initial shock and thinking, “How could I, a kid with a stutter, be accepted to an institution that taught the likes of Robert Frost, Daniel Webster and Mindy Kaling?” The inspirational ...

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Editor's Note

In a class earlier this term, the professor assigned a group project due six days later. The topic? “Connection.” Specifically, our task was to identify another project group in the class and investigate “what connection they feel is lacking in their lives,” the assignment vaguely stated. We ...


Editors' Note

Over break, I saw a ’28 after she opened her acceptance letter to Dartmouth. I stood in an adjacent room — not knowing her well enough to feel as though I could be there for the actual opening of the letter — and waited to hear a reaction to the seemingly fate-deciding laptop click. I heard a ...


Editors' Note

Eeeek. Week 9 is here and we at Mirror are freaking out once again. This past weekend marked our Directorate Cabin Night, which happened at the house of our lovely photo editor Caroline. I woke up on Sunday morning feeling oddly rejuvenated, despite the ongoing exhaustion I felt last week. Daylight ...

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Editors' Note

On Saturday, I went to the Dartmouth-Harvard football game. After riding on a cramped bus to Boston for over two hours, standing amidst a packed crowd for an hour and finally wandering to find a bathroom for 15 minutes, I decided to venture outside of Harvard stadium. As I strode across the Charles ...

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Editors' Note

Something spooky is in the air. And it’s not the scariness of how quickly the time comes around for me to write my biweekly Editors’ Note. The heaviness of the October gloom that is settling in all around us is getting to me slightly. This fine Week 7 has proved, once again, that you can most certainly ...


Editors' Note

Through a friend of a friend, I somehow received an invitation to a neighborhood apple-picking and cider-making event this weekend. As an outsider, I felt nervous to intrude on this community event. Yet, my intrigue won over my anxiety. I decided to tag along with my friend, in the hopes of returning ...

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