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The Dartmouth
September 30, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Sasha Nanji
The Setonian

Postgrad Puck

Transitioning from the Toronto Furies to the Brampton Thunder was not easy. I was joining a new team with new coaches and players who had already played together for a good part of the season. I was once again a new player fighting for a spot on the team that already had six defenders. Although the team welcomed me with open arms, there was naturally some tension.

The Setonian

Postgrad Puck

I decided to continue playing hockey after college because I love the game. I couldn’t let it go. Playing for Toronto, I had fun and I loved my teammates, but after I had to sit out for a few games for what I felt were political reasons, I decided to make a change and switch teams.

The Setonian

Postgrad Puck

My team, the Toronto Furies, was gearing up for its first road trip of the season, a two-game slate against the Montreal Stars. Still battling to fit in as a rookie, I never know whether I’m going to dress. The coaches wait until after Wednesday night practices to send out the lineup for the upcoming weekend. Fortunately for me, I was told I would suit up, and boy was I excited to play, especially against my former teammate Camille Dumais ’13. Of course, I would need to adjust my game a bit, since I was accustomed to setting her up for goals. This time around, I would have to look for her in order to incapacitate her abilities to pull a fast one on me or my teammates. I was determined be the one with bragging rights.

The Setonian

Postgrad Puck

Sasha Nanji ’13 is a former Big Green hockey player and will write a column every other week about her life post-Dartmouth as a professional hockey player in Canada.

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