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The Dartmouth
January 9, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Sarah Betts
The Setonian

With book, Freedman praises a liberal edu.

A "liberal" education, one that strives to improve the mind of the student through exposure to a range of traditional disciplines, is viewed by some as a relic of gentler, more contemplative times. Compared to popular vocational courses of study, a liberal education appears anachronistic.

The Setonian

Bikers travel, build for Habitat chapter

Dartmouth students can frequently be seen biking around Hanover, but a few will widen their horizons this summer and pedal all the way to Vancouver as part of Bike and Build, a group that organizes cross-country biking trips to benefit Habitat for Humanity projects. So far, eight Dartmouth students have signed up to make the trek, and Bike and Build founder Marc Bush expects up to 30 people to participate.

The Setonian

Prof. discusses racial relations

With books titled "Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word" and "Race, Crime and the Law" to his credit, it should come as no surprise that Harvard Law School professor Randall Kennedy's comments during a Community Dinner at the Roth Center yesterday centered around a controversial topic -- marital and sexual relations between people of different races. Kennedy's most recent book, "Interracial Intimacies," examines the complicated issues surrounding cross-racial relationships.

The Setonian

Campus plant turns up the heat

Editor's Note: This is the third in a series of five articles about Dartmouth and the environment. Anyone who has seen the plume of smoke coming from behind the Hopkins Center may have guessed that Dartmouth has some sort of power plant, but they probably wouldn't guess that it generates around 315 million pounds of steam a year and supplies 40 percent of the College's electricity. Dartmouth's power plant is the source of most of the energy and heating consumed on campus, which is no slight amount, according to Associate Vice President of Facilities, Operations and Management John Gratiot. It operates by burning approximately 110,000 barrels of oil a year to generate steam, Gratiot said, which is used to heat and cool buildings.

The Setonian

Dartmouth has complicated legacy of racial conflict

The birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. brings attention to the nation's turbulent history of segregation, but Dartmouth has its own past of racial injustice and discrimination to reflect on. The first black student graduated from Dartmouth in 1828, at a time when the doors of many universities were still closed to blacks and slavery was still a fact in the South.

The Setonian

Group seeks less tax on grad. student stipends

A national organization of graduate students is hoping to get a bill passed early next year that would greatly reduce the taxability of graduate stipends, easing financial pressure on a group that often struggles to satisfy educational and living expenses with meager stipends. Currently, portions of graduate stipends not directly paying for tuition and related fees are considered taxable, and graduate students lose around $200 a month to federal income taxes, according to the National Coalition of Graduate Students for an Affordable and Accessible Graduate Education. The coalition is working with the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students to gain support for a bill making "cost of attendance" portion of stipends tax emempt. The cost of attendance is defined in the Higher Education Act as room, board, transportation, computer purchase and similar expenditures. For most graduate students, these expenses absorb all or almost all of the stipend, Alik Widge '99 said.

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