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The Dartmouth
September 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Richard Crocker
The Setonian

Vox Clamantis

To the Editor: College President Jim Yong Kim has called upon the whole campus to observe a moment of silence at 11 a.m.

The Setonian

Crocker: Voices Crying in the Wilderness

A very recent graduate wrote these words to me, which I share with permission: "I've been thinking a bit recently about positivity and Dartmouth and happiness ... Dartmouth (certainly my environment at Dartmouth, but I think it was pervasive) did not leave much room to be unhappy and rewarded positivity so much.

The Setonian

'Christmas' at the College

To the Editor: Each year, as the Christmas tree takes its place on the Green, I receive expressions of concern from members of the community who wonder if it is appropriate for a religious symbol to be given a place of such prominence at the College.

The Setonian

Lessons from Blacksburg

To the Editor: We mourn the deaths of students and faculty at Virginia Tech ("Virginia Tech gunman kills 32 in bloodbath," April 17). It is appropriate and natural that we should do so.

The Setonian

A Conscientious Guide to Objecting

To the Editor: While there are reasoned and compelling arguments for the value of compulsory national service, those of us who were in college during the Vietnam years have been very thankful that an entire generation of college students has not known the threat of a military draft.

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