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The Dartmouth
January 20, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
The Setonian

Mattimore: Check the Price of Admission

On Friday, The Dartmouth reported that the College accepted 10 percent of applicants for next year's incoming class, a slight increase from last year ("College admits 10 percent of applicants to Class of 2017," March 29). Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and a handful of other schools all announced this past week that they accepted less than 10 percent of applicants for their respective freshman classes. Apparently embarrassed by Dartmouth's inability to bludgeon applicants with the same efficiency as her sister institutions, The D's editorial board suggested that Dartmouth's meager 90 percent rejection rate coupled with a tiny downturn in the number of applicants was symptomatic of "deeper problems" at the College ("Verbum Ultimum: Symptoms of Deeper Problems," March 29). The Dartmouth's editors are correct.

The Setonian

Vox Clamantis

To the Editor: Hopefully, the newspaper's Verbum Ultimum, "Your Opinions Here," Sept. 23, will not be a "last word," but the beginning of a lively debate as to what the opinion page of The Dartmouth should look like. While the invitation to students to become engaged in writing commentaries is a good start, that enjoinder is a bit narrow.

The Setonian

Personality Contest

Personality Contest To the Editor: In their Verbum Ultimum("Admitting Character," Opinion, Feb.1) The Dartmouth Dditorial Board explains that "Dartmouth has consistently fielded a class of freshmen to uphold this legacy by relying on the personality-centered aspects of our application, valuing essays and recommendations -- especially the recommendation Dartmouth requires from applicants' peers -- above other, more objective instruments like SAT scores and grade point averages." If, in fact, The Dartmouth staff can divine what qualifications the Admissions Office prizes most highly in applicants to the College, there's something rotten in Hanover. Suggesting that the subjective evaluation of candidates unknown to the Admissions Office is superior to objective measures is just plain wrong. Relying on peer essays that the Admissions Office cannot determine who wrote is folly.

The Setonian

Pong is not all Fun and Games

To the Editor: While I appreciated the trip down memory lane (or fraternity row, as it were) in your three-part series about beer pong, the denouement left me feeling a bit hungover. As a recovering alcoholic who developed a drug and alcohol habit during my days and nights in Hanover, I had hoped you might conclude with a look at the darker side of the college's "game." Although my life has turned out well (I've been clean and sober over 25 years), I look back on my college years with a sense of regret for lost opportunities, rather than nostalgia. Too many people I knew left the college after four years rather like the hollow men in T.S.

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