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The Dartmouth
March 14, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Nikhita Hingorani

Editors' Note

Just doing a simple Google search of the word “gender” reveals the role that the socially constructed definition of women and men has on the perpetuation of gender stereotypes. This, along with the history of gender neutral pronouns and the gender wage gap of the workforce, are just a few of the ...

The Setonian

Editors' Note

With a summer of exciting experiences behind us and an autumn of endless possibilities ahead of us, this term is one of new beginnings. The ’23s are navigating being away from home for the  first time, the ’22s are exploring a new sense of place on campus, many ’21s are completing their  first ...


Editors' Note

After a fun Green Key filled with everything but work, we’re back to the grind as Week 9 sets into full swing and finals slowly creep up. Our break from routine was short-lived, and the conversations about our exciting and wild weekends are quickly turning into complaints about all the studying and ...

The Setonian

Editors' Note

Dartmouth students come to campus from all over the world: from places with beaches, mountains, forests or lakes. For four years, we share the same views at Dartmouth. We share the smooth waters of the river, the warm light of Sanborn Library and the soft grass on the Green. We also share the staggeringly ...

The Setonian

Editors' Note

At face value, the phrase “war and peace” is contradictory. But these contradictions make us human. We say we want balance but continue to pile on commitment after commitment. We strive for a healthier diet but always sneak that extra cookie on our way out of Foco. It is easy for us to think one ...

making waves cover sami burack.jpg

Editors' Note

At Dartmouth, the most notable body of water for many students is one that doesn’t make any waves — the Connecticut River, a favorite swimming spot whenever it is warm outside. The river holds a special place in the hearts of many people on campus, especially during sophomore summer. Swimming in ...


Editors' Note

We’ve all heard the saying “age is but a number,” and we see it right before our eyes here at Dartmouth. Though we are mostly all in our early 20s, sometimes it feels as if we are running out of time. Deadline after deadline, term after term, we’re always looking one step ahead, and our time ...

The Setonian

Editors' Note

  Spring in New England means that melting ice is on everyone’s mind, with freezing rain, muddy walkways and a pervasive grayness in the air characterizing our day-to-day existence. At Dartmouth, breaking the ice is not just a mindset but a lifestyle, as we are pushed nearly every day to meet ...

The Setonian

Editors' Note

When we think of blueprints, a lot of things come to mind: planning, designing, rearranging. We use blueprints and their corresponding process of design thinking to construct the soundest building, to create the best D-Plan and even to solve our problem sets. As students, we like having steps to follow ...

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