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The Dartmouth
September 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Kenan Yount
The Setonian

Vox Clamantis: Sheep Mentality?

To the Editor: Is Grafton County GOP Chairman Ludlow Flower actually serious when he claims that Dartmouth students vote en bloc and that kind of "sheep mentality" got Obama and Vanessa Sievers '10 elected?

The Setonian

Criticism requires solutions

To the Editor: Jacob Baron '10's suggestion that students write-in Stephen Colbert as a choice for Student Assembly president is completely off-base ("Colbert for SA President," May 8). I think it's fair to criticize the SA as a "nonentity" and a joke of an organization; however, if you're going to criticize something you have to offer a solution that amounts to something better than "mockery is change so vote for Stephen Colbert." If Baron has such contempt for the current slate of Student Assembly candidates, then perhaps he should have considered getting some guts and using his op-ed to offer himself as a write-in candidate to reform the organization.

The Setonian

No Need to Ban Water Pong

To the Editor: I have to say, I've never heard so much laughter from students reading along on my computer screen as when the headline "Water pong banned, risks of overhydrating cited" (Feb.

The Setonian

Trans fats should be phased out

To the Editor: Jon Wisniewski's stand that the New York City Health Department's ban on trans fatty acids should be opposed on some sort of ideological grounds ("The Western Tradition of Trans Fat," Oct.

The Setonian

Evaluating the AC system situation

To the Editor: I think last Thursday's article about the valve breaking in Alumni Gym was one for the classic archives ("Valve causes serious AC failure at gym," July 27). The whole idea that a faulty valve ordered for a brand new fitness center would render the facility useless (or at best suffocating) for the entire student body for pretty much the rest of the summer is just so utterly absurd that it actually doesn't surprise me; rather it highlights the utter incompetence behind some of the things that go on around here.

The Setonian

A better debate about Duke

To the Editor: Michael Belinsky '08's "Breaking Down Partisan Perspectives" (May 5) correctly states that the Duke lacrosse scandal should not be viewed through a partisan lens, "crime." Who exactly is the "we" he claims supposedly all too "easily contextualizes" the incident along ideological lines?

The Setonian

Political Correctness, Revisited

To the Editor: Sara del Nido '08's long-winded, 1200-word manifesto on what fraternities "should" and "should not" do fails to woo me towards the slightest inclination of supporting her stance ("Speaking Out, Standing Alone," Nov.

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