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The Dartmouth
January 15, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Kelsey Flower
The Setonian

Editor's Note

Kelsey Flower '18 discusses how it is important to stay focused on the upcoming election as coverage of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions fades away.

Students and community members gather on the corner of the Green to protest Donald Trump.

Anti-Trump rally held on the Green

Around 45 people, ranging from young children to senior citizens, gathered at the corner of the Green Thursday afternoon, holding up posters and shouting, “No hate in the Granite State” to demonstrate their opposition of Donald Trump winning the Republican nomination.

The Setonian

Donations fund new academic clusters

Dartmouth has achieved its goal of securing $100 million in philanthropy to establish ten new interdisciplinary groups of faculty members, called “academic clusters,” by the end of 2015. The clusters will focus on crucial world challenges such as global health, poverty and cybersecurity. The endowment was secured in 20 months time, due to three final gifts given in December.

Courtesy of Linda Fowler

Q&A with Linda Fowler on the NH primary

Next month kicks off the New Hampshire primary and presidential candidates will make their way to the state. The Dartmouth sat down with Government professor Linda Fowler, who broke down the importance of the primaries and explain their long-standing relationship to Dartmouth.

The Setonian

LiveSafe app sees 7 percent download rate on campus

Only 7 percent of the student body has downloaded the LiveSafe app, introduced to campus this fall to facilitate students’ seeking help when threatened on campus. Safety and Security director Harry Kinne and LiveSafe engagement partner Maili Neverosky said their goal going forward is a more aggressive marketing plan.

Liz Staller has assumed the new role as a counselor for supporting sexual assault survivors.

Liz Stahler brings experience, “warmth” to new position as sexual assault counselor

When Liz Stahler was 16, she was a sexual health educator on an AIDS action committee. After her sophomore year of college, she interned at a California prison, focusing on supporting female prisoners. Following a brief stint as a folk song writer and singer, she entered graduate school for social work, where she interned at Wellesley College in the counseling department. This August, Stahler joined the Dick’s House staff as a counselor devoted to supporting survivors of sexual assault, a new position at the College.

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