The Big Green Bucket List
By Katherine Gorman | May 23, 2008So there I was, at a complete loss as to what to write about for my last Mirror column ever. I could have made it emotional and nostalgic, but that would be useless.
So there I was, at a complete loss as to what to write about for my last Mirror column ever. I could have made it emotional and nostalgic, but that would be useless.
"DOC trips are like, totally the most fun EVER!!" This is all that I had ever heard about these wilderness initiation rituals that are unique to our college on the hill.
We must all avoid using the gym as a place to get facetime. Yes, even you, girl that blowdries her long locks before languidly running on the treadmill at Alumni Gym during the "Busy Time." Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that the desire to be seen in the right place at the right time with the right people wearing the right outfit is one of the most important motivating forces for many a Dartmouth student.
From togas to tackies, at Dartmouth we spend most of our social lives playing dress up. Strange? Maybe.
Oh boy, stop Blitzing me about your lost jacket/iPod/wallet/libido/dignity. I don't have them. And if I did, I'm not giving them back.
A Spectre is looming over Hanover. Is it communism, or is it leggings?
H i, my name is Katherine Gorman, and I am borderline Obsessive-Compulsive (self-diagnosed). Anal retentive and a perfectionist to the max.
Green isn't just a color or shorthand for "sustainable" -- now it's a trend. Katherine Gorman looks at how the prospect of a warmer world is bringing reality into the closet. As our world heats up there are many things to fear -- the melting of the polar ice caps, the disintegration of the ozone layer, the possibility that Venice may one day be no more, et cetera, et cetera.
What ever happened to the good old days of skipping tipsily into Novack to check Blitz on your way to Frat Row, or of sneaking upstairs in a frat to blitz your crush on some brother's computer?
Lauren Wool, Shirley Hu and Jen Argote It's the most wonderful time of the year.