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The Dartmouth
September 14, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Jaime Bedrin
The Setonian

Once Around

Something strange happened to me about three weeks ago as I was making my way into a crowded cafe during a typical lunch hour in Manhattan.

The Setonian

A Confession

With graduation so near, I have had the wonderful opportunity to attend several student thesis presentations this spring term.

The Setonian

Much Ado About Names

Can you remember a time when you were younger and, oh, such a kid? Perhaps a time when you thought that you would never reach the seventh grade and that all of the eighth graders were the coolest kids in the hallways, their lockers towering over you like pillars of reverence.

The Setonian

Primary Values

Kudos to James Wright for recognizing Dartmouth's value as a research institution. What a way to credit the students and faculty here at Dartmouth who are currently spending their time in excellent research: medicine, science, drama, history, gay and lesbian studies, history, psychology etc.

The Setonian

A Rite of Passage

When my father turned 13, he celebrated his Bar-Mitzvah. It was just days after the assassination of President Kennedy.

The Setonian

Face to Face

The recent tragedy of the school yard shootings in Arkansas has lead me to think about criminal acts in our society.

The Setonian

The Wedding Shower Blues

This past weekend I went home for a job interview in New Jersey. However, I forgot that my mother Diane and her friend, also Diane, were throwing a surprise wedding shower for one of their close friends, Marcye, for a second marriage.

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