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The Dartmouth
March 15, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Isabel Adler

Hocus Pocus! Missing dog found after three weeks

While students stayed in the library or in their rooms at the end of last term, studying for final exams and waiting out the seemingly endless torrent of nor’easters, research grant manager Jean Blandin’s red-golden retriever puppy Hocus was missing, likely without food or shelter. Luckily, Hocus has since been found and is now safe and healthy, according to Hanover Police patrol officer Robert DePietro, who helped guide the dog home.


Baker-Berry Library will deaccession print materials

Baker-Berry Library announced in an email distributed to faculty that it will deaccession, or permanently remove, 59,000 books and journals, or about 2.9 percent of its collection, over the course of the next three years in response to dwindling storage space. According to Barbara Sagraves, the interim associate librarian for information services, the library is currently at maximum capacity.

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