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The Dartmouth
March 17, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Hillary Wool
The Setonian

Alumni, trustees clash at N.Y. forum

NEW YORK -- Dartmouth trustees and alumni clashed over recent governance changes in a forum-style event Monday evening featuring Board Chairman Ed Haldeman '70 and Trustee Michael Chu '68.

The Setonian

Critics attack Ask Dartmouth website

Three months after the alumni trustee election that seated petition candidate Stephen Smith '88, Smith and many of his supporters are questioning the integrity and cost of the College's Ask Dartmouth website, which was launched weeks before the election's voting period began. The site, which debuted on March 14, features questions and answers pertaining to the College, sorted into nine categories such as administration, athletics, Board of Trustees, student life and freedom of speech.

The Setonian

Critics attack Ask Dartmouth website

Three months after the alumni trustee election that seated petition candidate Stephen Smith '88, Smith and many of his supporters are questioning the integrity and cost of the College's Ask Dartmouth website, which was launched weeks before the election's voting period began. The site, which debuted on March 14, features questions and answers pertaining to the College, sorted into nine categories such as administration, athletics, Board of Trustees, student life and freedom of speech.


Bug Juice Revamped: Camp Take Two

Caitlin Kelly / The Dartmouth Senior Staff It's been awhile since I've been to summer camp, but I'm back. While feelings of anticipation linger during the ten-month-long camp off-season, the bus ride up to camp was always a five-hour session jam-packed with obnoxious tone-deaf singing of camp songs interspersed with views of rolling green mountains whizzing by the window.


Bug Juice Revamped: Camp Take Two

Caitlin Kelley / The Dartmouth Staff It's been awhile since I've been to summer camp, but I'm back. While feelings of anticipation linger during the ten-month-long camp off-season, the bus ride up to camp was always a five-hour session jam-packed with obnoxious tone-deaf singing of camp songs interspersed with views of rolling green mountains whizzing by the window.

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