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The Dartmouth
March 19, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Emily Fletcher
The Setonian

Fletcher: Living in Liminal Space

When I was a child, I had a nagging fear that other people could read my thoughts. I don't know when children first acquire the dangerous and wonderful ability of self-consciousness, but for as long as I can remember, a little piece of me has worried what others would think if they could know my deepest, strangest thoughts.

The Setonian

Daily Debriefing

The College has obtained $7 million in loans to establish five or six new physical plants for Greek organizations, according to the Class of 2010 Class Council minutes from the May Alumni Council meeting.

Spears to oversee PhD program in education

Aki Onda / The Dartmouth Senior Staff Former acting Dean of the College Sylvia Spears assumed a new role as the faculty program director for New England College's new education doctoral program at the beginning of August, according to NEC Vice President for Academic Affairs Hilton Hallock.

The Setonian

DHMC infection rates drop relative to nation

A new report by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services shows that health-care-associated infections at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center are lower than the national average and have decreased significantly in the last year. DHMC's improved from 36 percent below the national average in 2009 to 64 percent below the average in 2010.

The Setonian

Klein urges public school reform

Former New York City public schools chancellor and current News Corporation executive vice president Joel Klein described the "crisis" facing the American school system in an increasingly globalized economy and explained how competition and innovation can improve the quality of schools in a lecture in Moore Theater on Thursday.

The Setonian

DP2 program receives praise

/ The Dartmouth Staff Athletic Director Harry Sheehy announced the new program Dartmouth Peak Performance to integrate academic, athletic and personal resources for Big Green athletes on July 21.

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Many students have been picked up by campus security this summer for swimming in the river after hours.

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