Wien: An Excerpt
By Elise Wien | May 24, 2017Elise gives an excerpt from a play she wrote, starring her '16 friend who returned for Green Key to perform.
Elise gives an excerpt from a play she wrote, starring her '16 friend who returned for Green Key to perform.
Does moral good arise from empathy? Elise discusses.
Elise frames "postmodern love" in the relationships she has with her two roommates.
Elise provides an excerpt from a personal short story.
Elise suggests that fiction writing itself can be used to establish reality.
Elise draws connections between the Green and her summer camp experiences.
Elise discusses revolutions in her thesis presentation, as well as "chasing the high."
Columnist Elise Wien '17 ponders wealth, excess and fulfillment in America.
I’ve just received 12 teeth from a friend of mine. I needed one or two to use as props, then it came up in casual conversation that this friend never lost any of her baby teeth, that she had to go to the dentist to get them all pulled, and that she still had them in her posession.
Vox clamantis in deserto. I thought about writing of how much sleep I got this week with my roommates away.