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The Dartmouth
March 26, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Eileen Brady

Eileen (Eily) Brady is a '21 from Chicago who studies government and romance languages. Eily loves travel, politics, iced tea and her dogs, Mac and Charlie. She is thrilled to be reporting the news for The Dartmouth.


First-Year Trips will not be held in traditional outdoor format

First-Year Trips will not happen in its traditional outdoor format, Trips director Kellen Appleton ’20 and associate director Jake Klein ’20 wrote today in letters to Trips applicants and the Class of 2024. Appleton said that they will be able to determine more details about Trips’ adapted format following the College’s decision regarding fall term.

Unlike other schools, Dartmouth does not track students via WiFi

Despite a nationwide increase in the number of colleges using WiFi and Bluetooth to track student-athletes on their campuses — or in extreme cases, planning to track all students for attendance purposes, such as at the University of Missouri — Dartmouth has no plans to engage in such practices.


Tulsi Gabbard holds town hall at Dartmouth

“She’s the only one with a heart of gold and a fearless courage to face the powerful,” Hawaii-based musician Billie Sky sang of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) before a town hall she hosted at the Top of the Hop on Sunday night. 

kopalle.editors.freshman issue

Editors' Note: Freshman Issue 2019

Dear Class of 2023, Welcome to campus! It seems so long ago that the two of us first arrived for orientation — intimidated, excited and certainly a little nervous. As we carried our clothing bins up flights of stairs, we had no idea what to expect from Dartmouth. After Trips, we hope you’re excited: ...


One-on-one with Pete Buttigieg

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg held a campaign event at the Hanover Inn on Saturday. After the event, The Dartmouth sat down with the South Bend, IN mayor for an interview on topics important to young voters.


Proposed federal endowment tax to affect College

On June 28, the U.S. Treasury Department proposed rules for the excise tax on endowments on certain colleges and universities that was passed as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in late 2017. The 58-page document clarified certain aspects of the policy to aid administrators in determining whether the tax applies to their institution and how much colleges owe. The 1.4 percent tax applies to private colleges and universities with at least 500 students and endowments worth at least $500,000 per student. Dartmouth’s over 6,000 students and more than $5 billion endowment puts it safely in this range, according to the College’s chief financial officer Mike Wagner, making it one of the 25-40 institutions the Internal Revenue Service expects to be affected by the tax.

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Anti-fascism scholar and history professor Mark Bray gave a talk on Thursday in Dartmouth Hall.

Anti-fascism scholar and history professor Mark Bray gave a talk on Thursday in Dartmouth Hall.

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