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The Dartmouth
October 5, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Dawn Conner
The Setonian

Suicide thwarted

Safety and Security responded yesterday morning to a phone call from an undergraduate who discovered a male sitting in a running car in the College's student parking lot with a tube running from the exhaust pipe to the car's interior. The man, who is 35 years old and is not a resident of the Upper Valley, was conscious and alert at the time he was rescued and brought to the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Hanover Police Sgt.

The Setonian

'Paper' scoops action, drama

Stop the presses! It's an exclamation every newspaper journalist dreams of shouting - if only to supplement the exhilaration of printing a lead story fantastic enough to stop the media.

The Setonian

Women's Health Services support pregnant students

Pregnancy; The third in a three part series on women's health Between 30 and 40 Dartmouth women face the decision of whether to abort a fetus or take a pregnancy to term every year, according to Director of College Health Services Dr. John Turco. Pregnancy is a difficult issue at the College; though resources have expanded with the creation of the new Women's Health Service at Dick Hall's House last fall, there is still little support for pregnant students, Manager of Women's Health Services Janice Sundnas said. This academic year, 12 pregnancies have been reported to Dick's House, which Sundnas said is not particularly high.

The Setonian

Town considers building parking garage

The Hanover Board of Selectmen appointed a Parking Task Force Committe to investigate the possibility of creating an estimated $3 million parking garage to ease overcrowding in the downtown area. The proposed garage would hold an estimated 200 to 250 cars and would be for the use of town patrons, according to College Assistant Director of Business Affairs William Barr, a task force member. The current parking problem in downtown Hanover results from the limited number of public parking spaces -- there are 838 metered spaces and 64 leased spaces.

The Setonian

Greeks clash, compromise on rape awareness funding

Raising questions about the organization of Greeks Against Rape and the feasibility of fulfilling its request for monetary contributions from individual houses, the Interfraternity Council refused the group's solicition and instead donated a sum almost five times less than the amount the group originally wanted. In need of money to pay for programming and outstanding debts, Greeks Against Rape, an organization begun to educate Greek pledges about rape and sexual assault, asked each Greek house to donate $50 to the group, Greeks Against Rape President Michelle Wendy '95 said. Alhough the Panhellenic Council, the governing body of all sororities on campus, originally approved the plan, the IFC, comprised of the 14 fraternities decided only to donate $125 total, a figure which Panhell ultimately matched. The IFC refused the request based on several questions about the solicitation, including how the money would be used and why the fundraising was being held in the summer as opposed to the fall, when smaller houses would have more members on to support the cost, according to Wendy. "[Greeks Against Rape] came to us and asked us for money with no real proposal," IFC Social Chair Chris Donley '95 said.

The Setonian

Remember the past but don't rush into old traditions

All first-year students know that upon entering the world of "college life," they will enter a world that has existed for hundreds of years, through thousands of students, millions of ideas and many traditions. Though the faces of Dartmouth continually evolve and shape to the newest members of its community, there are some aspects of the College that just seem to stick around. From the moment a new student reaches the campus for DOC trips, traditions are evident.

The Setonian

Hanover celebrates summer

When was the last time you saw cloggers, line dancers, magicians, clows, and African drummers, all along the streets of Hanover? Well they will all be in Hanover this weekend, as the town prepares for the 15th annual Hanover Street Fest, its celebration of summer. The numerous events will take place Saturday from 10 a.m.

The Setonian

'Zooropa' marks U2 techno

It was not too long ago that U2 flooded radio stations and heated the summer with its incredible smash "Achtung Baby" and outdoor concert phenomena "Zoo TV Tour." In an amazingly short time, the Irish band has created a new and different album, just in time for another summer. The new album, which keeps with the "zoo" theme in its title "Zooropa," is definitely not old-style U2.

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