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The Dartmouth
September 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Conor Galligan
Patrick Parenteau, senior counsel to the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic, explores climate change and the law at a Thursday panel lecture.

Parenteau, Conover examine U.S. climate change policy

Elisabeth Ericson / The Dartmouth Staff The federal government can take vast steps toward reversing climate change by offering economic incentives for companies to reduce emissions, but the government must act soon, speakers agreed at a panel discussion on Thursday.

Ibrahim Warde an expert in Islamic finance explains the origins of Islamic finance at a lecture at The Tuck School of Business on Tuesday.

Warde describes Islamic finance

Valentin Yanev / The Dartmouth On a cross-country flight, Ibrahim Warde, course director at Euromoney Institutional PLC and an expert in Islamic finance, was trying to edit his manuscript but found himself seated next to a talkative passenger.

The Setonian

Students promote sustainable practices

Students learned how to "green their rooms," conserve energy and "prove the skeptics wrong" about global warming at Sustainable Dartmouth's first Sustainable Summit of the term held in Tindle Lounge on Thursday.

The Setonian

Daily Debriefing

According to a Princeton Review Survey of high school students, Harvard University ranked as the top "dream" school.

The Setonian

LUL, Sig Ep garner national awards

The national organizations of Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc. and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity honored their respective Dartmouth chapters with various awards in ceremonies this month.

The Setonian

Daily Debriefing

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education has launched a pilot program to quantify schools' sustainability initiatives, according to Inside Higher Ed.

The Setonian

Med school students start mission

While most university students focus on studying for exams, Dartmouth Medical School student Nick Ellis DMS'10 spent his college years developing a program to support medical missions to Ecuador.

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