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The Dartmouth
March 14, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
The Setonian

Through the Looking Glass: Who We Ought to Be

There is a security that being students affords us, [whether we acknowledge it or not]. We have to transition from high school to college, we have to pick classes, we have to elect majors and choose various clubs to join, but there are relatively few times when we are forced to see ourselves as something other than students.

The Setonian

Hood curator nationally recognized

Lesley Wellman, curator of education at the Hood Museum of Art, was named the 2012 National Museum Art Educator of the Year by the National Art Education Association in June for her contributions to museum education.

Speaking in Carson Hall on Tuesday, journalist Barak Barfi traced the history of Palestinian culture and its effects on the region's current political climate.

Scholar links Palestinian conflict to region's history

The collective inability of authorities in the Palestinian region to reach diplomatic agreements can be explained by the nuanced political history of the area, visiting scholar and journalist Barak Barfi said in a Tuesday lecture, "Internal Palestinian Politics," in Carson Hall. Placing contemporary ...

The Setonian

What Green Key Means to Freshmen

While most Dartmouth freshmen are familiar with the history and traditions that distinguish the College's Homecoming and Winter Carnival weekends, Green Key's origins and purpose are more ambiguous, leaving many members of the Class of 2015 confused about what to expect from the weekend.

The state's Board of Pharmacy suspended the license of Dick's House pharmacist Jeffrey Licht following an investigation of prescription drug diversion.

Pharmacist faces investigation

The New Hampshire Board of Pharmacy issued an emergency order on Friday suspending the license of Dick's House pharmacist Jeffrey Licht after an investigation by state regulators found that Licht had been prescribed excessive quantities of prescription narcotics over the past two years, according to ...

The Gospel Choir performed

‘Soulful Celebration' combines choir and jazz at Hop

Courtesy of Joseph Mehling In "Soulful Celebration: Gospel Meets Jazz," the Barbary Coast Jazz Ensemble and the Dartmouth College Gospel Choir performed their first collaborative performance this weekend in Spaulding Auditorium, celebrating the intersection of jazz and gospel music and the friendship of their respective directors, Don Glasgo and Walter Cunningham. Invigorated by the longstanding relationship between Glasgo and Cunningham, the performances explored the history and traditions of jazz and gospel music, distinct genres that share similar musical origins.

The Setonian

Nine receive Fulbright grant offers

Nine Dartmouth students and alumni have been awarded Fulbright U.S. Student Grants by the U.S. State Department to conduct research or teach abroad, according to the College's Scholarship Advising Office.

The Setonian

Daily Debriefing

More than 140 public universities have increased tuition for certain academic programs such as business, engineering and science in response to spending cuts for higher education, according to a study by Cornell University's Higher Education Research Institute.

The Setonian

Smith, noted US envoy, lawyer, officer dies at 94

Decorated U.S. statesman, serviceman and diplomat David Shiverick Smith '39 the Eisenhower administration's youngest top-ranking official when he became the assistant to the then-secretary of state at age 32 died April 13 in his home in West Palm Beach, Fla.

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