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The Dartmouth
January 15, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Charles Rafkin
The Setonian

For some, a new dean’s former position will best decide fit

As Dean of the College Charlotte Johnson prepares to pack up her Parkhurst Hall corner office, the College must choose a new administrator to oversee undergraduate academic and campus life. While the future dean could come from a corporate, legal or academic background, faculty and higher education experts interviewed said someone with strong academic distinction could best fit into the position.

The Setonian

College releases mobile applications

Dartmouth's four mobile applications have yet to be widely used by the student body, but they offer access to course materials, a steamlined interface to the Dartmouth website and closer connections to campus news. The applications include Blackboard Mobile Learn and Dartmouth Sports, which connects users to Big Green athletic news.

Inventor and founder of Singularity University Ray Kurzweil spoke Thursday about the future of technology and its potential implications for thought and education.

Kurzweil discusses future of tech.

Nushy Golriz / The Dartmouth Staff The exponential curve plotting information technology's accelerating rate of development "doesn't look revolutionary, except it enables revolutions," inventor, theorist and futurist Ray Kurzweil said to an audience overflowing into adjacent rooms during his Thursday lecture in Filene Auditorium. Technology becomes smaller, smarter and cheaper at exponential rates, making substantial breakthroughs likely in the near future, Kurzweil said, citing historical trends in information technologies like computing, artificial intelligence and biomedical engineering. "It actually took 400 years for the printing press to reach a mass audience," Kurzweil said.

The Setonian

Classes will continue during Homecoming

While many students look forward to Homecoming weekend as a time of celebration and much-needed rest, most professors said they do not plan to alter syllabi or class schedules to accommodate student participation in the festivities. These professors said that canceling class or reducing the workload for students would prevent students from receiving as rich an educational experience.

Area hotels raise prices, sell out for graduation

Nathan Yeo / The Dartmouth Senior Staff Many hotels in the Hanover area are already booked for this year's Commencement, forcing graduating students' families to seek housing from the College's Office of Residential Life. The Hanover Inn, Six South Street Hotel, the Norwich Inn, the Trumbull House Bed and Breakfast, the Marriott in Lebanon and the Holiday Inn in White River Junction are among the hotels already sold out for the June 9 event, according to their websites and managers. "We get guests asking about graduation sometimes when they found out their student has been accepted," Norwich Inn Manager Taryn Foster said. Six South Street Hotel reserved its 69 rooms for members of its "E-Club" parents who have previously stayed in the hotel according to Don Bruce, the hotel's manager.

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