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The Dartmouth
July 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Ashley Manning
The Setonian

Panhell increases dues scholarships by $1,200

This spring, the Panhellenic Council will bolster its scholarship program, increasing available funding from $800 to $2,000. The scholarship aims to ease the financial burden that Panhell sorority dues impose and assist women who feel inhibited from joining a sorority for financial reasons.

The Setonian

Drive-in fundraising campaign falls short

After an unsuccessful Kickstarter fundraising campaign ended Sunday, owners of the Fairlee Drive-In are determined to keep it open for at least the coming season. The family-owned business has tried selling T-shirts, hosting a concert and an auction and reaching out through social media to raise money for a new $77,000 projector, said Peter Trapp, the drive-in’s owner. Built in 1950, the drive-in has become a local favorite, as well as a beloved sophomore summer experience for many Dartmouth students.

The Setonian

Rocky supports social start-ups

As social entrepreneurship gains popularity nationwide and on campus, the Rockefeller Center has gained approval for a new course and created a new position that will expand its offerings in the field. Social entrepreneurs, like their counterparts in business, seek to find innovative solutions, but focus their energies on problems affecting the public good.

Rassias emphasizes drama in languages

Professor John Rassias punctuates his stories with spontaneous gestures and sporadic onomatopoeia — much like the language instructors who conduct their morning drill sessions using the method Rassias pioneered about 50 years ago.

Peer advising may cover gender, sexuality

Recognizing a potential gap in current peer advisory programs, students and staff are discussing the establishment of a new group that would focus on gender and sexuality. At a workshop late last month, around 20 students gathered to discuss the possibility and the needs the program would address.

The Setonian

Hundreds of students take on mindfulness challenge

Just 21 days can make or break a habit, according to Dartmouth on Purpose, a student organization that promotes student well-being and self-improvement. About halfway through the group’s 21-Day Challenge, almost 400 students, faculty and staff are participating, striving to live more mindfully.

Students participate in coed recruitment

Four students accepted bids from Alpha Theta coed fraternity, which extended six bids total. Five students accepted bids from the Tabard coed fraternity and one student accepted a bid from Phi Tau coed fraternity, which extended three bids in total.

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