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The Dartmouth
January 5, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Anne George
The Setonian

Astronomy professor leads discovery of planet

Dartmouth professors come from a variety of fields of study, backgrounds and careers; however, Elisabeth Newton has a unique and consequential claim to fame. In 2018, Newton led a research team which discovered an exoplanet. 

courtesy of cuomo.student assembly

Student Assembly president and VP discuss campus issues

The Dartmouth sat down with to Luke Cuomo ’20 and Ariela Kovary ’20, Student Assembly president and vice president, respectively, to discuss why they chose to run, their advice to incoming freshmen and the issues they are interested in addressing once in office, including making Student Assembly work more visible on campus and integrating the house system governments and the Student Assembly senators.


'19s for Financial Aid campaign aims for 45 percent participation

Forty-eight percent of the admitted Class of 2023 will receive need-based scholarships from Dartmouth. Through the senior class gift, the Class of 2019 is attempting to support the Class of 2023. Seniors can choose to make a gift of any amount but are encouraged to donate $20.19 to honor their class. ...


Students say C3I policy draft rollout offered few feedback opportunities

Dartmouth’s Office of General Counsel recently released a draft of a new Unified Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures in order to get feedback about the proposed policies. However, members of the student body have expressed concerns that students have not adequately been able to offer feedback on the draft, which was written as part of the College’s new Campus Climate and Culture Initiative.

The Setonian

Call to Service encourages community service

Dartmouth community members now have the opportunity to publicly record their volunteering hours. Through the Call to Serve, a year-long initiative that asks the Dartmouth community to contribute a collective 250,000 hours of public service, the Alumni Council hopes to prove that universities can be at the heart of change. Participants can choose to volunteer at projects located near them and log their service hours through the Call to Serve website. 

The Setonian

SB 142 passes unanimously in NH Senate committee

Spaulding High School senior Caroline Dillon is working to make New Hampshire schools a little more female friendly. Dillon helped craft Senate Bill 142, which was recommended to pass unanimously on Feb. 14 within the Senate’s Committee for Education and Workforce Development. It requires feminine hygiene products to be provided in the restrooms of public middle and high schools.

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