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The Dartmouth
July 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Amanda Winch
The Setonian

A Day in the Life

As the only Dartmouth term with a reputation for lighter course loads and “ample” free time, sophomore summer has proven distinctive, but perhaps not in the ways that one might have so eagerly expected while cruising down the road to 14X. Faced with an almost unhealthy number of opportunities for procrastination and inspired by a new sense of durability that undoubtedly only serves to help us justify our sluggish work habits, many in the ’16 class have finally reached the end of what might be referred to as an eight-week “adjustment period.”

The Setonian

More Than Just a Number

As the oldest and self-proclaimed favorite of my family’s three children, I was the guinea pig while my mom and dad tried their hand at the whole parenting thing. As it turns out, my mom had heard that the other (presumably more learned) mothers had started supplementing their infants’ diets with sweet potatoes for extra nutrition. Perhaps a heavier emphasis should have been placed on the word “supplement,” because they ended up feeding me so many sweet potatoes that I actually turned orange. I repeat — I was the guinea pig. I was back in the hospital two weeks later. Everyone thought I had jaundice.

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