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The Dartmouth
October 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Allison Liegner
The Setonian

Experts speak at panel about Ebola

The Dickey Center hosted an informational panel yesterday evening titled “Ebola in West Africa: Lessons from a Global Health Crisis,” featuring health workers involved in the Ebola crisis in West Africa. The panel, held in Filene Auditorium, highlighted the work being done by health officials to combat the disease, Dickey’s Global Health Initiative program manager Jessica Friedman said.

The Setonian

CoFIRED “undocumented” petition not approved

Dartmouth Coalition for Immigration Reform, Equality and DREAMers’ petition to the Library of Congress last summer to use the word “undocumented” instead of “illegal” when describing immigrants in subject headings was not approved, the group announced in early January.

Foreign affairs expert Jake Sullivan talks U.S. foreign policy in a lecture hosted by the Dickey Center.

Jake Sullivan talks foreign policy

Jake Sullivan, a foreign affairs expert currently on the United States Iran nuclear negotiations delegation, spoke in a public conversation with Dickey Center director Daniel Benjamin last night in Haldeman.

The Setonian

Gender-inclusive fraternities accept winter members

Eleven students have accepted bids at the Tabard, Phi Tau and Alpha Theta gender-inclusive fraternities this term, one more than the 10 students who joined during winter recruitment last year. Additionally, Amarna undergraduate society has had eight new members join so far for winter term.

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