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The Dartmouth
March 18, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Aditi Kirtikar
The Setonian

Clarity in the Chaos

8:41 p.m.: The exact time I received the blitz about writing this very column. I was in the middle of a weekly standing hangout (read: harbor) date with my freshman floormates.

Academic experiences differ by major choice

Nushy Golriz / The Dartmouth Staff While declaring a major can spark fear in incoming freshmen and upperclassmen alike, students can wait until the end of their fifth term in residence to decide on a course of study, usually sophomore winter or spring.

Leng discusses sexologist's life

Nushy Golriz / The Dartmouth Staff The failed endeavors of Max Marcuse, an early 20th century German sexologist, after he fled to the British Mandate of Palestine as a German-Jewish refugee bring the cross-cultural challenges of sexology research to light, Northwestern University historian Kirsten Leng said in a lecture on Thursday. Marcuse left Germany at the age of 56, but unlike many of his Jewish peers, escaped to Palestine, where his career stalled. "He is a forgotten giant of sexology," Leng said. While in Germany, Marcuse founded an international society devoted to sexual research, wrote 14 books and published over 100 scholarly articles about subjects such as birth control, celibacy, marriage and prostitution.

Summer recruitment draws high application turnout

Blaze Joel / The Dartmouth Staff With temperatures reaching into the 90s, students participating in summer recruiting are sweating through their business suits as they trek across campus for interviews with potential employers. This term, 235 students have participated in corporate recruiting this term, up from last summer's 201 participants, said Monica Wilson, Career Services associate director.

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Though the community is small, the consensus seems to be that being a vegan at Dartmouth is, perhaps surprisingly, pretty easy.

Though the community is small, the consensus seems to be that being a vegan at Dartmouth is, perhaps surprisingly, pretty easy.

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