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The Dartmouth
September 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Special Issue

Special Issue

Editors' Note


If there’s one thing we’ve learned to expect in these past months, it’s the unexpected. Emails flood our inboxes, each expressing the consequences of “these unprecedented, uncertain times.” While the context of your departure from Dartmouth is certainly unique, we know that this is not the first time your Dartmouth experience has been unpredictable.


Q&A with College President Phil Hanlon


The editors of The Dartmouth Homecoming Special Issue, Maggie Doyle ’22 and Arielle Beak ’22, sat down with President Hanlon to discuss his personal journey at Dartmouth, mental health on campus, the new residential access policy, and his vision for the College as a global research institution.


Black community groups look to help College address history


When Dartmouth graduated its first black student, Edward Mitchell, in 1828, the College did not keep records of students’ race. While some mixed-race students may have attended earlier and graduated, there is no official documentation of their presence on campus. This year, in honor of Dartmouth’s 250th anniversary, the Black Alumni of Dartmouth Association is working to change that.