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The Dartmouth
October 5, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Student Spotlight: Xander Arnold '14


In the arts world, there’s often talk of triple threats, or performers who can act, dance and sing. Music major Xander Arnold ’14 is a pentad threat: a musician, singer, composer, producer and dancer.


Wheeler: The Need To Be Seen


It is no secret that students have an unhealthy obsession with what we have aptly termed “facetime.” We say that the desire to be seen can influence where we sit in the library, where we eat in FoCo, where we go to socialize, whom we hang out with and, most interestingly, our activity on social media.


Bishop: Loving Blackness


White supremacy is not just about evil people running around in white hoods overtly terrorizing communities — we have to move beyond this Boogeyman characterization to understand racism today.


Equestrian team tramples competition


Dartmouth equestrian has picket-fenced the region this season, taking first place not only at Colby-Sawyer College on Oct. 19 and at a home show this past Saturday, but at every competition this season.


Women’s hockey team falls at home


The women’s hockey team fell in both home games this weekend. The Big Green lost its home opener to Princeton University Friday, followed by a loss to ninth-ranked Quinnipiac University Saturday.


Taste of Home


Shenzhen, China, a seaside town, boasts a two-way street: one side features fishermen selling a wide variety of freshly caught seafood, while the other side contains street stands that cook the seafood for customers.


Trending @ Dartmouth


FAT TALK DARTMOUTH COMPLIMENTS: After an intermittent hiatus, the anonymous compliment option returns. COURSE SELECTION: Dartmouth does what it does best: forces us to think about the upcoming term when we hadn't even realized this one was halfway over.


Open Access boosts journal availabilty


Over the past several weeks, Baker-Berry Library has hosted a variety of events aimed at informing students and faculty about the open access movement, a national campaign to make scholarship freely accessible worldwide.



/ The Dartmouth Staff '15 Guy: I'm playing harbor tonight.'17 Girl: I didn't know you played a sport! '14 Girl: I'm just going to go to Psi U and let fate decide.'14 Girl 2: That should be written on someone's tombstone. Tuck Prof: It's the Miley Cyrus effect.