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The Dartmouth
October 5, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Clubs host social events in Sarner


Since Sarner Underground opened over a year ago, students and organizations have used the space for concerts, dance parties and student gatherings. Unlike other meeting spaces on campus, only undergraduate students and organizations are permitted to use Sarner.

Geisel sees increase in applications


As medical schools across the country see a record number of applications and enrollments this year, the Geisel School of Medicine is also seeing an increase in applications, though the school has no plans to increase enrollment.


More Than a Game


While many young New York fans will visit or at least pass by Yankee Stadium as they grow up, many die-hard Red Sox fans will go their entire lives only seeing Fenway Park on television. It takes a special team to be able to collect, and more importantly to keep, fans from cities and towns as diverse and isolated as those of the New England.

Majors see shifts in numbers


Fewer Dartmouth students are majoring in the humanities and are shifting toward the social sciences, mathematics and engineering. The change in enrollments across departments has affected staffing and faculty decisions, as well course offerings, as some departments work to stretch resources while others attempt to bolster student interest.

Wheelan discusses Centrist party


Discussing his book, “The Centrist Manifesto,” in a lecture Saturday morning, economics and public policy professor Charles Wheelan ’88 outlined his idea for a new political party that would integrate the best ideas from Democrats and Republicans.


Theis joins in Barbary Coast show


On Saturday evening in Spaulding Auditorium, the Barbary Coast Jazz ensemble performed a collection of pieces all written or arranged by guest artist, Adam Theis, the creator of the Jazz Mafia consortium and the winner of the 2008 William and Flora Hewlett emerging composers grant.


Men’s soccer team falls to Columbia


Note to readers (May 23, 2014): When The Dartmouth found thatJake Bayer '16 had fabricated a quotation, wedecided to remove his articles from our website.\n For a full statement, clickhere.


Mechanicals shine in ‘The Winter’s Tale’


The Dartmouth Rude Mechanicals left its audiences crying and laughing during its performance of William Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale” in Bentley Theater on Friday and Saturday, marking a promising beginning for the new year for the group.


Daily Debriefing


A survey conducted by Inside Higher Ed shows that the Affordable Care Act affects health care plans for faculty and staff at universities.