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The Dartmouth
June 29, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
The men’s basketball team had a disappointing road weekend, losing twice.

Men’s basketball loses both games on road


The men’s basketball team dropped both of its games on its road trip this weekend, falling 70-67 to Cornell University in a heartbreaker and 69-59 to Columbia University. The Big Green has now lost four games straight, bringing its record to 9-13 overall, 2-6 versus the Ancient Eight.


Men's hockey pulls shocking upset sweep on road


After a long and painful start to the season, the men’s hockey team is finally starting to get healthy enough to mount a playoff run. For the first time all season, Dartmouth swept a two-game weekend slate. Dartmouth rebounded from its uneven performance a week ago, which left them with a 3-0 loss at Harvard University, by overwhelming St. Lawrence University and No. 14 Clarkson University, avenging tough early-season losses to both teams.


Lord ’97 and Miller ’97 write and direct smash hit, ‘The Lego Movie’


All Lego aficionados should rejoice the day in fall 1993 when filmmakers Phil Lord ’97 and Chris Miller ’97 met as freshmen at Dartmouth. The duo wrote and directed “The Lego Movie” (2014), which has received an overwhelmingly positive reception from critics and moviegoers, earning $69.1 million over its opening weekend in early February. The animated movie features the voices of Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman. Lord and Miller’s previous films include “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” (2009) and “21 Jump Street” (2012).


Student Spotlight: Genevieve Mifflin '14


When Genevieve Mifflin ’14 quit gymnastics at age 8, her parents worried that she would drop extracurricular activities altogether. Yet Mifflin concentrated her energies in dance, which she had started at age 2 and now committed to with a greater passion.


Despite star-studded cast, ‘Winter’s Tale’ has flu-like appeal


Books will be written on the awfulness of “Winter’s Tale” (2014). The odd decisions, stale lines and questionable career choices will keep film scholars and BuzzFeed writers at bay for decades. If you were dragged to this movie on a Valentine’s Day date, rethink your relationship. If a relative decides a few months from now to give this movie as a gift, cut off all contact and disown him or her. If you’re on a plane and this is the in-flight movie, fake a heart attack. The resulting legal proceedings and hospital bills will be better than subjecting yourself to two hours of “Winter’s Tale.”

Geisel suspends M.D./Ph.D. applications


The Geisel School of Medicine has suspended admissions to its M.D./Ph.D. program, Geisel School Dean Wiley Souba announced in an email to the Geisel community Thursday morning. Since the decision was first revealed in a Feb. 6 meeting, around 1,000 students and faculty have signed a petition outlining concerns.


Financial aid office clarifies application forms


The letter, based on an investigation by the Democratic staff of the House Committee on Oversight, named 111 schools that might give students the inaccurate impression that they must complete the CSS/Financial Aid profile, a College Board-created form that requires a submission fee to receive any financial aid.


Q&A with Jeff Sharlet: Russia's anti-gay legislation


spent my days talking to ordinary people and also activists, and at nights I would go out to the queer nightlife in Saint Petersburg and Moscow and talk to people there. In the day, it would be one kind of story of horror, and at night, another. And that was the most difficult part, that accumulation of such sorrow.


Classes and Camo


For the students studying this ROTC management process and the technical skills that underlie it, Dartmouth offers a unique opportunity.



'16 Girl: If you ever want to hide your sexuality from your grandmother, I'm looking for a nice Jewish boy to marry. '16 Girl:I blacked out at AD, and I blacked in lying on the floor of a second floor Collis study room next to four mozz sticks. Gov Prof:I had an x-hour once and I hated it.


Editors' Note


We may or may not have been cyborgs in high school. We somehow managed to attend every meeting for each club even vaguely related to our interests, won awards for sports and woke up chipper at the ungodly hour of 6 a.m.


Old School


Is the Dartmouth that previous generations experienced the same one that we live in now?