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The Dartmouth
October 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Sorority and fraternity members find various ways to serve


As Dartmouth’s Greek system faces heightened scrutiny from outside media and the “Moving Dartmouth Forward” presidential steering committee, some community members cite local and national philanthropy as one of the Greek system’s most positive campus contributions, with some noting houses might serve for that very purpose — to generate favorable news.


College's first sorority brought community


Leslie Gordon ’79 founded the College’s first sorority — Sigma Kappa sorority, now Sigma Delta sorority — during her sophomore year in 1977, only four years after Dartmouth started admitting women.


Alumni recall fond times in Greek houses


As alumni flock back to the College this Homecoming weekend, the bonfire will not be their only destination — many will return to the Greek houses they spent countless hours in as students. These organizations, they recall, provided tight-knit groups of friends that last to this day.


EKT members reflect on national split


EKT split from its national sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, after several years of internal struggle and disagreement. The national organization celebrated the Epsilon Kappa colony when it was founded in 1982, but relations between the two had soured by 1984, according to EKT’s website.


Students consider cost in affiliation


This fall, average dues for men are $342 and average dues for women are $308, not including additional new member dues, national dues or social dues, according to the Greek Leadership Organizations and Societies website.


Through the Decades


With all of the passion, history and testosterone that come with the fraternity debate at Dartmouth, it’s hard to remain impartial and not be swept up in the issue’s politics and intricacies. Although for me, I suppose it’s a little easier not to generate too many opinions when I’m not actually allowed in.

Funk is the 2014-15 Panhell president.

Meet Rachel Funk


Panhellenic Council president Rachel Funk ’15 has taken her position at a time marked by significant changes to Dartmouth’s sorority system, as well as to the Greek system as a whole.


Curfew rumors false, officials say


Safety and Security is not imposing a curfew or changing its party-monitoring practices. A rumor circulating Wednesday and Thursday suggested that Safety and Security would shut down parties and require non-members to leave Greek houses by 1 a.m. on weeknights and 2 a.m. on weekends, but College officials have confirmed that this is false.