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The Dartmouth
October 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Dartmouth will adopt a hard alcohol ban


In a Thursday morning speech outlining a new social doctrine for Dartmouth, College President Phil Hanlon announced a campus-wide ban on hard alcohol — beverages containing more than 15 percent alcohol by volume — to be enforced the beginning of spring term and the mandatory presence of third-party bartenders and bouncers at parties hosted by Dartmouth or College-recognized organizations. Hanlon also reaffirmed the continuation of the Greek system, but said that its existence could be revisited in the coming years.

Moore Theater was at fully capacity Thursday morning as students, faculty and community members listened to policy proposals.

Class of 2019 will be placed in residential communities


College President Phil Hanlon announced new initiatives for residential life, including a complete redesign of the undergraduate housing model. Beginning with the Class of 2019, incoming Dartmouth students will be randomly assigned to one of six dormitory clusters. Beginning their sophomore year, these students will live in these assigned clusters for the remaining three years of their undergraduate experience. The College will commit $1 million annually to fund the social, academic and intramural programming in these residence communities.


Student and faculty reactions to "Moving Dartmouth Forward" are mixed


Reactions to the announcement of a hard alcohol ban, new residential communities and increased academic rigor were mixed following President Hanlon’s unveiling of his Moving Dartmouth Forward policies Thursday morning. Faculty members interviewed generally supported the academic aspects while students were mixed on specific policies and the overall enforceability.


Vox Clamantis: Residential Clusters


Thank you, College President Phil Hanlon, for allocating funds to residence hall clusters as part of your “Moving Dartmouth Forward Plan.” Back in 2010, I asked College President Emeritus Jim Kim to do the same.

Malcolm Salovaara ’17 has been organizing a number of permaculture gardens.

A Student Dreams of Kiwis


Although the windows reveal the icy, barren scene of a Hanover winter, thoughts of warmer weather and spring sunshine fill the air in the Collis second floor lounge. Six students sit together and ardently plan the extensive fruit-and-vegetable-producing garden that will be planted in a sorority’s yard this spring.


Dartmouth, 2050


It’s the year 2050 and your mid-life crisis has brought you back to dear old Dartmouth, as you always knew it would. You may not remember all the words to the alma mater, but you’re ready to skate on Occom Pond, build a snowman and tear up the slopes with your bionic post-knee-replacement legs.


Through The Looking Glass: Our World is Inherently Interconnected


Working on climate issues is by far the most physically and psychologically exhausting and spiritually exasperating thing I could ever see myself doing. It offers very little rewards, almost consistently beating you down. And yet it’s filled with the most emotional, inspiring, empowering experiences I’ve ever had.


Disbelief Amid Certainty


If you find the United States’ international rankings in health care, education and social mobility dismally low, don’t despair — you still have the top rank in climate change denial to keep you warm at night!


Fridays with Marian


Dennis Rodman still hasn’t responded to any of my tweets, so I don’t want to spend too much time talking about him this week. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, amirite?


Boots and Rallies


Just about all my attention was seized in this cluster headache of “right” and “wrong,” but not so much that I did not spy out of the corner of my eye something absolutely queer. Like fickle goblins fitted in parkas stealing across the lawn by the light of the moon, I spotted a pair of girls outside Butterfield holding a large rectangle of familiar proportions and walking at an unusually brisk pace.


Editor's Note


“To which subject will Charlie turn his unsharpened ‘thinking’ this week?” my readers mutter as they stream into lecture halls. “Will this week’s column be as devoid of interest or substance as previous weeks’?”


The D Runs The Numbers


12 - The number of principles, including “observe and interact” and “design from patterns to details,” invoked by permaculture advocates. 1,211, 600 - The number of signatures accrued on the Divest Dartmouth campaign’s online petition and the number of likes on its Facebook page, respectively. 35 - The percent of Americans who express skepticism about the science behind climate change. 2,155 - The number of pages of the latest IPCC report. 4.5 million - The number of gallons of Fuel 6 oil Dartmouth consumes annually.


If You Don't Know, Now You Know


But this winter is cold. Is global warming still real? Dang! Got ’em! It’s super hilarious and insightful to wonder aloud whether the snow dump we experienced invalidates of decades careful scientific reasoning.


Skiing places second of 16 teams at Vermont Carnival


Continuing its successful run in its second carnival, the Dartmouth ski team placed second at the Vermont Carnival on Jan. 23-24. After a close race, the Big Green finished the two-day carnival only 56 points behind the University of Vermont — who dominated both slalom races — and 102 points ahead of the University of New Hampshire, which placed third. for a total of 884 team points.