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The Dartmouth
October 6, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Divest Dartmouth joins multi-school fund


In the beginning of 2015, student-run group Divest Dartmouth joined with divestment groups from 16 other colleges to create the Multi-School Fossil Free Divestment Fund. The fund aims to puts pressure on the universities involved to divest from fossil fuels by collecting tax-deductible donations that will be given to the universities only if they divest their investments in fossil fuels by Dec. 31, 2017, according to the Fund.


Lindkvist joins N.H. consortium


The New Hampshire Violence Against Women Campus Consortium restarted in September 2014, and Dartmouth’s Title IX and Clery Act compliance officer, Heather Lindkvist, recently joined as the College’s consortium coordinator, attending her first meeting last month.


Self Evident Truths photo project features students


Each of the 74 black and white portraits features the subject facing a camera against a blank backdrop, some donning smiles while others maintain stoic expressions. While subjects of the photos vary in appearance, they all have one thing in common — none of the 74 individuals identify as completely heterosexual.

Tess McGuinness ’18 said that playing Juliet gave her a new perspective on the classic “Romeo and Juliet.”

Student Spotlight: Tess McGuinness ’18


Tess McGuinness ’18, the lead actress in Dartmouth theater department’s winter production “Romeo and Juliet” has always been drawn to the stage, though not originally as an actress.


Women’s swimming and diving finishes eighth in Ivy League


For the second consecutive year, the women’s swimming and diving team finished in eighth place at the three-day long Ivy League Championship with 569.5 points, coming 853.5 points behind first-place finisher Princeton University. \n The Tigers managed a narrow victory over defending champions Harvard University, defeating the Crimson by 21.5 points to claim the championship title.


Students push for Asian-American studies program


A student group submitted a faculty cluster hiring proposal calling for the strengthening of existing ethnic studies programs and the reestablishment of a formal Asian-American studies program as a part of College President Phil Hanlon’s faculty cluster initiative.

The Office of Sustainability brought four alumni back to talk about their careers in sustainability.

Panelists talk private sector sustainability jobs


The office of sustainability hosted a panel titled “Business and Sustainability” Monday afternoon that featured four alumni working on environmental issues in the private sector. The event was intended to give students a sense of the variety of careers available that are related to social responsibility, director of sustainability Rosi Kerr, who is a member of the Class of 1997, said.


Ice Drilling Grant awarded to Thayer professor


With the help of a $17.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation, Thayer School of Engineering professor Mary Albert will lead the U.S. Ice Drilling Program for four years to gather data about climate change in Antarctica and Greenland.


Hood Museum works to attract both students and locals


For any art museum associated with an academic institution, it can be a challenge to create a variety of interesting programs that both local residents and students will find appealing. To accomplish this, the Hood Museum of Art works with professors and student interns to offer regular gallery talks, lectures and tours about the exhibitions in order to give audiences a chance to engage with the artwork.


Women’s basketball falls to Penn and undefeated Princeton


Seeking to build on a victory that snapped a month-long losing streak one week ago, the Dartmouth women’s basketball team found itself in the toughest portion of its Ivy League schedule — travelling to play the two top-ranked teams in its conference. After losing to the No. 14 Princeton University Tigers by 70-31, and falling to the Pennsylvania University Quakers 63-46, the team will now regroup with an eye on finishing the last four games of the season on a strong note.


Beyond the Bubble: Looking Outside the Oscars


What did tens of millions of people do on Sunday night? According to Vulture, an average of 36.6 million people tuned in to watch the Oscars awards ceremony Sunday. The Oscars successfully capture an audience of millions for nothing more than what I personally deem a glorified popularity contest.

Tuck students spend thousands on networking

Tuck students spend thousands on networking trips


According to a recent study carried out by Bloomberg Business, Tuck School of Business students pay on average over $10,000 for “non-essentials” during their job search. which puts them among the top 12 MBA programs whose students spend the most on discretionary purchases. Most of this cost derives from students traveling to visit potential employers.


MLA reports decreased language enrollment


Though a recent Modern Language Association survey reported that 100,000 fewer college students enrolled in foreign language classes in 2013 compared to 2009 — while college enrollment rose by over 150,000 during the same period — Dartmouth professors and students remain confident in the strength and relevancy of their respective language programs and with the College’s foreign language enrollment as a whole.