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The Dartmouth
October 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Senior showcase invites feedback


When Corinne Romano ’15 first proposed her idea to represent Mayan hieroglyphs as real-life creatures for a senior studio art project, she said that some members of the faculty did not understand the point of view she hoped to present through her work. Despite the uncertainty of some professors, Romano was intrigued by the concept — which built on her interest in “creature concept design” — and she decided to commit to the idea.


Majority of campus experiences power outage


Following a thunderstorm, main campus lost power shortly before 5 p.m., associate vice president of facilities operations and management announced in an email to campus. Liberty Utilities, the College's power provider, does not currently have an estimate for when power will be restored to main campus.


Undergraduate advisors assess new programming


A focus group consisting of students and undergraduate advisors met to evaluate the progress of recently implemented changes to the upperclassman UGA model, mainly with the goal of increasing interaction between residents and UGAs.


Link Up holds conference for middle school girls


One hundred and twenty-two female middle school students from six Upper Valley schools visited the College yesterday to participate in an annual Sister-to-Sister conference hosted by Link Up, a student organization dedicated to fostering connections between Dartmouth community members.


One-on-one with Kelsey Miller '16


This week I sat down with the softball team’s Kelsey Miller ’16. Miller plays third base and started 39 out of the 40 regular season games, batting .216 through the season.


World Music Percussion Ensemble will perform tonight


In the face of cultural misunderstandings that exist today, music has been and still is a link that unites people of different backgrounds, regardless of their geographical separation. Tonight, cultural worlds will collide through music when the World Music Percussion Ensemble performs its spring concert “Afro/Andean Fusion” in Spaulding Auditorium .

Chris Gallerani ’15 explored gender and sexuality in his senior thesis project #werq.

Student Spotlight: Chris Gallerani '15


Upon the advice of an upperclassman, Chris Gallerani ’15 took “Acting 1” with theater professor James Rice his freshman fall, not realizing that it would change his course at the college toward theater. Four years later, Gallerani performed his senior thesis “#werq: a queer journey” on May 1-3, a solo production of over an hour where he bared his soul, and his body, to the audience.


Founders donate $21 million to King Scholar Leadership Program


Founders Bob King ’57 and Dottie King donated $21 million to the King Scholar Leadership Program, which will be used to expand the program to include more students and fund additional internships. The Kings’ gift will raise their total investment in the scholarship program to $35 million.

The Memorial Challenge surpassed its $30,000 fundraising goal for cardiac research.

Memorial Challenge raises $35,672 for cardiac research


More than 450 students came together to work out and celebrate the lives of Blaine Steinberg and Torin Tucker, both members of the Class of 2015 who died suddenly last year due to heart complications, at the first annual Memorial Challenge at Memorial Field last Saturday. The event raised $35,672, surpassing its goal of $30,000, which will go toward cardiac research at the Heart and Vascular Center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.