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The Dartmouth
October 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Looking Back


Congratulations! Getting here can’t have been easy — from the college applications process to sticking out senior spring to literally winding your way through the woods on your drive to Dartmouth, it’s been a long road. Now that your freshman fall is around the corner, it’s time to get pumped for all the wonderful experiences ahead: new people, countless opportunities and an amazing academic experience are all near on the horizon.


A Guide to Greek Life and Undergraduate Societies


Whether it’s overhyped is for you to decide, but no one can deny that the houses on campus are home to some of the best social events at the College — aside from Ryan’s epic dorm room rager (Rage in Peace, Ryan’s Party: 10/26/2013 — 10/27/2013) that I just made up — and are a huge part of Dartmouth’s rich history.


An Ode to FoCo


WADDUP ’19s. It is crazy to think that a new freshmen class will soon inherit the Dartmouth campus. I remember this trying time of having nothing to do but repeatedly stalk my roommate on Facebook, ponder a physical trip to Bed Bath and Beyond for the dorm essentials and occasionally flipping through the pages of our summer reading assignment. And I remember thinking a lot about food.


Getting Outside: Where to Go


So it’s freshman fall, and you can’t go into Greek houses yet, but you’ve already completed all of your designated academic rigor time for the day. Whatever will you do? Netflix is sort of a played-out trope at this point, and you’ve exhausted your dorm party social calendar for the weekend. That means it’s time to get out and about and enjoy your true calling in Hanover: walking.


Studying & Destressing at Dartmouth


Everyone has a slightly different preference for studying: crowded and chatty corridors, dead-silent Neo-Georgian libraries, ultra-modern science buildings, a grassy knoll or absolutely anywhere you can blast Sleigh Bells through your headphones, but it’s still worth trying out the full barrage of study spots the College has to offer.


Top-level administrators directly affect student experience


Senior administrators at the College are in charge of the major decisions and initiatives that are responsible for shaping students’ experiences at Dartmouth. Due to recent levels of administrative turnover, keeping track of the various administrators can be difficult. These six administrators will directly impact on your time at the College.


Your DOC Trips Guide


Whatever the case, rest assured that your DOC Trip is going to provide you with the most exhilarating welcome to your home for the next four years.


Freshmen dorms offer diverse options and amenities


Congratulations! In just a few short weeks, you’ll be getting meals with other freshmen in Collis, deciding which classes to take and learning all of our unique lingo. But before all of that really begins, you’ll have to move into your first college dorm. Which ones are the best? Where are they located? Where will the parties be? Will my room be small?


A Blitz by Any Other Name


Your first week in Hanover will most definitely be overwhelming. On top of being in a new envi- ronment, you will be immersed in a distinct and sometimes cryptic dialect otherwise known as Dartspeak. Here’s a quick list of some of the most important lingo so that when your Trippee asks you to get FoCo @now, you’ll know to sit on the dark side because you need your facetime.


Packing List


This guide should only inform you of things that most people at Dartmouth own, so take it as some suggestions for things you might want to keep with you freshman year.


Editor's Note


My senior year of high school, I spent many class periods (in the lull after AP exams) on College Confidential for information about life at Dartmouth. But what I was asking for had no answer: I wanted to know exactly who I would become and what experiences I would have.


Variety of dining options available on campus


The Canadian groundfruit of Dartmouth Outing Club’s First-Year Trips is just one of the delicacies the Big Green offers its students after they matriculate. Back on campus, students can select from a variety of establishments run by Dartmouth Dining Services.