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The Dartmouth
October 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Jon Kull explains plans for independent graduate school at town hall


Plans to create an administratively independent School of Graduate and Advanced Studies were discussed in detail at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center on Wednesday during the second of three “town hall” style meetings. Information included details about the organization of the new school and concerns about the project’s budget.


Teaching Science Fellows program supports students in STEM fields


The Teaching Science Fellows program — created to make difficult introductory science courses accessible to a wider range of students — is now in its second year. The two current fellows, Therese Kienemund ’15 and Joshua Prickel ’15, work with the professors and students of large science courses in a variety of capacities, including holding office hours and conducting course surveys.


“Don Juan Comes Back from the War” to explore history, war


With barbed wire lining the back of the stage, the floor sloped at an angle and light bulbs dangling from a dilapidated staircase, the set of the theater department’s upcoming mainstage production “Don Juan Comes Back from the War” can only be described as apocalyptic. \n Written by the Austro-Hungarian-born playwright Ödön von Horváth, the play tells the story of the soldier Don Juan, who returns from World War I to find that he is the only man alive in a world of women. \n Once a notorious philanderer, Don Juan claims that he has come home from the war a changed man.


College will spend $4 million on professor houses for residential communities


Students graduating later than June 2016 will be randomly assigned into on of six residential communities — based in pre-existing residence halls — the College announced Monday, along with other details about the new residential community system. The College has allocated nearly $4 million to build and renovate the professor housing that will accompany each house community, vice president of campus planning and facilities Lisa Hogarty said.

Eonomics professor Douglas Staiger has been teaching at the College since 1998.

Professor Douglas Staiger inducted to National Academy of Medicine


Every morning of his “Advanced Topics in Econometrics” class this fall, Myles Wagner ’17 could expect to receive an apple from his professor, Douglas Staiger, plucked fresh from the apple tree in Staiger’s his yard. Not only does Staiger capture his students’ attention — and stomachs — with fruit, but he has also captured the interest of the National Academy of Medicine. Staiger, Dartmouth’s John French Professor of Economics, was one of the 80 members newly inducted to the National Academy of Medicine with his work.


LiveSafe app sees 7 percent download rate on campus


Only 7 percent of the student body has downloaded the LiveSafe app, introduced to campus this fall to facilitate students’ seeking help when threatened on campus. Safety and Security director Harry Kinne and LiveSafe engagement partner Maili Neverosky said their goal going forward is a more aggressive marketing plan.