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The Dartmouth
October 7, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Chun: Gently into that Good Night


This break I had the distinct pleasure of considering the various ways I could become legally incapacitated. As part of granting my parents power of attorney, I was forced to consider several grave scenarios. My reasons for doing so were fairly simple — not only do my parents have my best interests at heart, but they’re also uniquely well-suited for the task, as both of them are doctors.


Sharma: Gambling on the Poor


Purchasing a lottery ticket at the neighborhood bodega the moment you hit 18 is just as much of a rite of passage and a sign of adulthood as getting your driver’s license. State lotteries and casinos are open only to adults, largely for the same reasons. Like cigarettes and alcohol, lottery tickets are a potential gateway to addiction.


Haynes captures forbidden desire in "Carol" (2015)


“Carol” (2015) focuses on forbidden lovers restrained by the severe conservatism of the early 1950s. Whereas lesbianism only existed in the interstices of 1950s life, Todd Haynes puts it centerstage in this decadent, nostalgic adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s 1952 romance novel, “The Price of Salt.”


Editor's Note

Happy Friday! We hope that you’re not spending the beginning of your winter term searching for summer internships like one of us is. Upon meeting her co-editor Caroline Berens for the first time this week, Hayley Hoverter was jealous of Caroline’s youth Although she’s less than a year older than her, Hayley longs for the easier days of her sophomore year, where the only challenge the upcoming summer posed was where to tan. Meanwhile, Caroline secretly envied Hayley for seeming to know what she wanted to do with her life — an ever-elusive pursuit for the taller co-editor.


Faculty letter supports student demands


At the end of the fall term, prompted by the negative media attention received by the Black Lives Matter protest in Baker Berry Library, a group of Dartmouth faculty released a petition supporting student activism on campus. The petition calls on the College to follow other Ivy League institutions that have already made financial commitments towards recruiting faculty and students of color. As of press time, the letter had been signed by 155 members of the College’s faculty and staff.


Lack of snow in Hanover slows down business


With temperatures reaching 69 degrees on Christmas Eve, the town of Hanover experienced a record-breaking warm December and holiday season. The unusually high temperatures — an effect of El Niño, where warm bands of ocean air hovered over the Upper Valley — caused local ski resorts to stay closed and the Connecticut River to remain unfrozen into January.


Josh Cetron ’16 named First-Year Trips director


Josh Cetron ’16 and Anna Gabianelli ’16 will serve as the new director and assistant director for the 2016 Dartmouth Outing Club First Year Trips. Currently they are still working through the applications for the other directorate positions.


Verbum Ultimum: Reworking Rush


While Sigma Delt’s aims are commendable, we should not view the shake-out process as a panacea to the deep-seated flaws of the recruitment process. To view Sigma Delt’s decision as anything more than a marginal improvement or temporary fix would be naïve. The truth of the matter is this—neither system is empirically superior. Adopting a system that resembles men’s fraternity rush will not necessarily be any better for women’s self-esteem or agency. As it stands, women who choose to participate in both formal rush and shake-out will face many of the same challenges.


Yona: Standing at a Crossroads


It is for all these reasons — my experiences at these UN conferences and my awareness as a Dartmouth student, in addition to the climate science and policy research I have been conducting since my first year at the College ­— that I know Dartmouth must divest from the top 200 publicly traded fossil fuel companies by proven reserves. COP21 was a signal: the fossil fuel era is coming to a rapid close .