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The Dartmouth
October 8, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Packer: The Great Coalition of 2016


When discussing the polarization of American politics, pundits often act as if the categories Democrat and Republican reflect deep ideological divides, and that the truth lies somewhere in the center.


Gil: A Modern Greek Tragedy


Welcome to the newest installment of, “How much further can the administrators drive Dartmouth into the ground?” In the past two weeks, the College derecognized one fraternity, and suspended a sorority and gender-inclusive house were suspended. It is quite apparent that the administrators have an anti-Greek agenda.


‘Hail Caesar!’ (2016) hails cinema in ode to the fifties


After “True Grit” (2010) and “Inside Llewyn David” (2013), the Coen brothers seemed to be becoming very serious men. But their latest “Hail, Caesar!” (2016) returns the duo to their “Big Lebowki” (1998) comedic roots, in which the riotous romp of carnivalesque characters takes over any desire to maintain a moving plot. While the film may lack the makings of a cult classic, it highlights the Coens’ almost cultish fondness for a classic period of American filmmaking.


World Percussion Music Ensemble showcases global music


On Sunday Feb. 7, Dartmouth’s World Music Percussion Ensemble performed “Joy to the World,” a collection of songs from various cultures focused on sacredness and secularity. World music combines elements of music from various cultures across the globe. In addition to the varying cultures of origin, the music also differed in tempo, ranging from mellow to upbeat, but it was all united by the theme of joy.


Alumni petition for Asian-American studies department


On Monday, Alice Liou ’13 started a petition on pushing for the immediate creation of an Asian-American studies department. As of press time, 316 people have signed the petition, which has been widely circulated on social media sites such as Facebook.


Free State project reaches goal


A mass migration across the United States in pursuit of political freedom sounds more like a description of historical events such as the 1847 Mormon migration to Utah, not a modern movement. However, the Free State Project is a modern political migration organization seeking to relocate liberty-minded individuals to New Hampshire. On Tuesday, the project reached its goal of gathering 20,000 signers pledging to move to the Granite State within the next five years.


Cushing proposes bill on land grant


In January and October, New Hampshire state representative Robert Cushing introduced two bills to the legislature, which would prohibit the College from selling land granted by the 1807 Second College Land Grant and hold the College accountable for a $10,000 fund set up in 1883.


How Hot is Humor?


This week, Lucy Li '19 set out to explore how attractive humor is as a personal quality. Read on to find out what she discovered.


Laughter and Lines


This week, Carolyn Zhou '19 explores what is and is not acceptable to joke about in comedy. Read on to find out more.