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The Dartmouth
October 8, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Companhia Urbana de Dança mixes  contemporary street style and capoeira.

Companhia Urbana de Dança to perform in Moore tonight


The dancers of Companhia Urbana de Dança moved dynamically around the stage Monday night, smiling and interacting with one another as they performed complicated steps combining hip hop and other styles of dance. The mixture of styles including contemporary street style and capoeira, a Brazilian martial art dance form, is what makes Urbana so unique and exciting to watch.

KDE will change the theme of its spring party to Woodstock instead of Derby.

KDE Derby theme changes after last year’s protest


Members of Kappa Delta Epsilon sorority voted almost unanimously to change the theme of its annual invite-only party from Derby to Woodstock on Tuesday evening. This change comes roughly a year after the protest at both Derby and Alpha Chi Alpha’s annual Pigstick party last May, at which around 20 Dartmouth students demonstrated against police brutality toward people of color.


Kinne warns of extortion scam


Safety and Security director Harry Kinne sent out a campus-wide e-mail this past Saturday warning students about “criminal attempts to extort money from Dartmouth College students.” The scam involved phone calls in which the caller claims to be an FBI agent and threatens to arrest the student immediately if they hang up, Kinne said.

The Dartmouth Dodecaphonics perform for the Swingle singers’ master class in Faulkner Recital Hall.

Swingle Singers to mix Bach, jazz and folk music tonight


It’s not everyday that one may hear or recognize the work of Johann Sebastian Bach at a vocal performance, let alone at an a cappella performance. However, this unexpected twist on singing classical pieces using vocal harmonizing is exactly what characterizes the Swingle Singers, a five-time Grammy-winning a cappella group, who will be performing tonight in Spaulding Auditorium.


Philosophy of Time and Time Travel


Philosophy professor James Binkoski looks like he should be on a college brochure. He’s well-dressed, his face is a little ruddy from the cold, and he sports a rugged New Hampshirite beard. He’s the kind of professor who looks like he would be against maintaining a Canvas page, but he’s not.