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The Dartmouth
October 9, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth
Divest Dartmouth members walked their "Keystone pipeline" across the Green in protest of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Divest Dartmouth holds Keystone pipeline protest


Instead of their typical location inside trash bags outside of fraternities and sororities, empty Keystone Light cans were instead arranged in the shape of a pipeline on the front lawn of Parkhurst Hall on Thursday afternoon to protest the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Inaugural Allen House fellows (left to right) Nicholas Gladstone '17, Dania Torres '20 and Amanda Zhou '19, along with organizer Jose Burnes Garza '17.

Allen House pilots mentorship program with Osher


Early last week, the pilot of the Allen House Professional Fellows Program announced their inaugural fellows: Nicholas Gladstone ’17, Dania Torres ’20 and Amanda Zhou ’19. The program, run by the Allen House residential community, connects Dartmouth students to mentors in the surrounding area through the College’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, an organization that provides educational programs for residents in the Upper Valley. The Osher mentors are members of the institute who had notable careers and are now retired in the Upper Valley area, program organizer Jose Burnes Garza ’17 said. The three mentors this year are Thomas Blinkhorn, who worked in international development at the World Bank, former New York Times correspondent Christopher Wren ’57 and Roland Kuchel, former U.S.


Sierra Club discusses renewable energy in Upper Valley


On Wednesday evening, Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune and Hanover town manager Julia Griffin spoke to nearly 70 Upper Valley community members and Dartmouth students at the Hanover Town Hall about the nationwide transition to renewable energy and Hanover’s upcoming May 9 vote to commit to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050.


New Dartmouth sports analytics club discusses sports statistics


Last Monday, Andrew Wolff ’18 and Josh Ufland ’18 led the inaugural meeting of Dartmouth Sports Analytics, a recently-formed club focused on the intersection of sports and statistics. The club was first conceived in the fall of 2015 under the leadership of Richard Shen ’17, who developed an interest in sports analytics after taking a “Sports Analytics” class taught by government professor Michael Herron and College President Phil Hanlon.