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The Dartmouth
October 9, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Geisel students receive research fellowship


Two Geisel School of Medicine students will serve year-long research fellowships. The Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellowship to conduct research in South Africa represents a lifetime of interest in international travel and global health for Geisel student Lye-Yeng Wong Med’18.

Trip leaders and croo volunteers were selected from 632 applications.

Trips sees increase in applications


Wednesday evening, 282 trip leaders and 58 Croo members were accepted as volunteers for Dartmouth Outing Club First-Year Trips, according to Trips director Doug Phipps ’17 and associate director Apoorva Dixit ’17.

From 2015 to now, the cost of a parking permit increased from $42 to $75 per term.

Parking ticket revenue rises


A couple of weeks ago, Scotty Whitmore ’15 was surprised to find a parking ticket from Dartmouth Parking and Transportation Services addressed to his father in his mailbox.


ChamberWorks concert will be performed Sunday in Rollins Chapel


This Sunday, Fred Haas is bringing a brilliant sextet lineup and a deeply personal set of jazz arrangements to the ChamberWorks concert series entitled, “ChamberWorks: From the Heart.” Haas is an acclaimed saxophonist and music professor at Dartmouth, where he teaches private lessons and courses in jazz history and improvisation.