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The Dartmouth
October 10, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Li: I Am a Woman


While studying abroad in Barcelona last term, I had a dinner conversation with my host mom, Lídia, about feminism.


Brown: God Bless Incompetence


Six months into the Trump administration and The Donald has little to show for himself. Signature campaign promises such as the Definitely-Not-Muslim Travel Ban and “The Wall” have been bogged down in courts or have yet to even begin materializing respectively.

Film Review

Film Review: ‘The Big Sick’ is a robust rom-com, but not much else


As a film, “The Big Sick” is an unconventional addition to a long tradition of romantic comedies with memorable protagonists that include the likes of “When Harry Met Sally,” “Bridget Jones’s Diary” and “Notting Hill.” Kumail Nanjiani stars as Kumail, a character based on his early life as a standup comic who falls in love with psychology graduate student and quintessential girl next door, Emily, a somewhat underutilized Zoe Kazan, who is based on Nanjiani’s wife in real life, Emily Gordon.


Tour guides ask for changes to program


Members of the admissions office met with tour guides on July 12 to discuss issues that guides have raised with the office’s policies for their jobs, including payment, tour scheduling and inauthenticity in the tour script. One issue that came up during the meeting was payment.


Campus adopts reusable to-go containers


Madison Sabol ’18 has come up with a way to greatly reduce the College’s carbon footprint. After two years of research and assistance from the Dartmouth Office of Sustainability and Dartmouth Dining Services, she has created the “Green2Go” food takeout program, which replaces the disposable to-go containers in the Class of 1953 Commons with reusable ones.

A chart depicting action plan tasks with 2017 deadlines and statuses according to the Inclusive Excellence website.

Committee reviews College inclusivity plan


An external review of the action plan for the College’s Inclusive Excellence initiative found that while the plan has clear objectives, it lacks in-depth accountability, a faculty retention strategy and student involvement.