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The Dartmouth
October 10, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Wagner informs campus of cybersecurity breach


Chief financial officer of the College Mike Wagner sent a campus-wide email Friday afternoon stating that there had been a major data breach in the consumer database at Equifax, the consumer credit reporting agency that the College uses for business services.

Demonstrators gathered across the street from the Hanover Inn.

Community holds vigil for Charlottesville


On Monday evening, members of the Upper Valley community gathered on the Green to hold a vigil in commemoration of those affected last Saturday during the “Unite the Right” demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia, when a member of the alt-right allegedly drove his car into a crowd of left-wing counter-protesters, injuring several and killing one woman, Heather Heyer.


Brown: On Replacing Nazis


What is an American? This question might not even make sense. Rarely do we argue about any fundamental qualities that define Americans, because there are so few.