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The Dartmouth
October 11, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


One-on-one with Ian Kelsey '18


Ian Kelsey ’18, captain of the men’s golf team and one of two seniors on the team, has helped lead a surging Big Green golf team as they look ahead to the upcoming Ivy League Championship in late April.

Farm club gathers at the Dartmouth Organic Farm. Courtesy of Sophie Neuhaus '20.

The Grass is Greener at the Organic Farm


Approximately three miles north of campus, a little deeper into the peaceful hills of the Upper Valley lies a farm “for the students” that offers an escape from the stress and demands that otherwise define the Dartmouth experience.  This is the phrase and idea with which I came into contact multiple times during my conversations with some members of the Dartmouth Organic Farm.  “It’s only three miles away, and you can go whenever you want,” Annika Bowman ’21 explained.

Former Maryland governor and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley spoke at Rockefeller Hall on April 2.

Martin O'Malley discusses green energy at the College


Martin O’Malley, former Maryland governor and 2016 Democratic primary presidential candidate, discussed the future of renewable energy in America on April in the Rockefeller Hall. The event, hosted by the Dartmouth College Democrats, also featured environmental studies professor Melody Burkins, Nicholas Warren GR’18 and Sustainability Leaders Network founder and director Edie Farwell ’83 as speakers. In his speech, O’Malley discussed the potential for a shift to green energy in the U.S.