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The Dartmouth
October 11, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Letter to the Editor: Undermatching Admissions


 If you are reading this, you are probably a Dartmouth student. You most likely view your education at Dartmouth as something you have worked especially hard for, and that you receive because you are a deserving, qualified individual.


Editor's Note

If a Cornell or University of Pennsylvania student were to stand in the middle of the Green on a sunny day, they might overhear comments containing foreign phrases such as “My English class is such a layup” or “He never responded to my flitz....” The visitor might scratch their head, shrug their shoulders and say, “It’s all Greek to me.” At Dartmouth, we have our very own language, reflecting our unique culture cultivated in the hills of New Hampshire.


Through The Looking Glass: Thanks For Saying Hi


By some mishap I’ve ended up here: senior spring, less than seven weeks left until I lose student discounts and access to the Cube and the Onion — not to mention other trivial points, like lifelong friends and alumni connections and what not.