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The Dartmouth
October 11, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Honorable Mention: Shoulders of Giants


In the world of sports, athletes often retire well past their prime, which only makes sense as ultra-competitive individuals struggle to deal with the decline of their abilities.


College grapples with question of free speech on campus


 On Jan. 10, 2018, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, an education nonprofit that defends individual rights at American universities announced that Dartmouth had been downgraded to a “red light rating.” According to FIRE’s website, this title is reserved for universities that enforce policies that “both clearly and substantially restrict protected speech.” After this downgrade and a change in political climate following the 2016 presidential election, many individuals have begun to question the current state of free speech and political expression on Dartmouth’s campus.


Looking ten years into the future


Expectation drives, expectation cripples. Many students, despite coming to Dartmouth with a staunch readiness to absorb the breadth of knowledge inherent to a liberal arts education, carry the weight of expectations.


The legacies we leave


Prospective Dartmouth students and parents arrive wide-eyed at the College after traveling far from their homes to reach the quaint town of Hanover, New Hampshire.

Downtown Los Angeles has striking art.

Art departments contemplate change


This year, the College’s art history department will undertake a widespread effort to promote experiential learning and shift away from lecture-format classes, according to art history department chair Allen Hockley.