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The Dartmouth
October 11, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Renovation projects have been taking place all over campus since the start of the summer term.

Renovations underway on campus


With fewer students on campus for the summer term, the College is undertaking several construction projects across campus to lay the groundwork for new buildings and improve conditions in current facilities. Repairs to existing buildings on campus this term include a new emergency generator for the Class of ’53 Commons, roof replacements for Rollins Chapel and Dick’s House, renovations in Wheeler dormitory, a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in Steele Hall and new fire alarm systems in Alumni Gym and Baker-Berry Library, according to associate vice president for facilities, operations and management Frank Roberts. At ’53 Commons, crews are working on the north side of the building to construct a new emergency power generator, which will be housed in an enclosure next to the building. “If we have an extended power outage, we will be able to fully support the operation of ’53 Commons,” Roberts said. Executive vice president Rick Mills said that construction of the new generator was prompted by a power outage a few years ago that impaired food service for a short time.


Ahsan: Hindsight and Hairspray


When someone’s entire career is predicated on ginning up controversy for the sake of attention, it is never really all that surprising to see them worm their way back into the media spotlight.

The College began setting up cots on Tuesday in Sarner to help students escape the summer heat wave.

College offers cots in Sarner to escape heat


As temperatures reached the mid-90s this past week, students have struggled to escape the heat. While the night usually brings a reprieve from the heat for students, the recent heat wave stayed strong past sunset, creating issues for students trying to sleep in non-air conditioned dorms and forcing the College to offer alternative options.


Students vie for legislative seats


Baronet “Webb” Harrington ’20 and Garrett Muscatel ’20 have a number of things in common: both are economics majors, members of the Dartmouth Class of 2020, have long-standing interests in politics and have interned in the U.S.