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The Dartmouth
October 11, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Rockefeller Center deputy director co-authors book


On July 27, 2018, Sadhana Hall, deputy director of the Rockefeller Center for Public Policy, and Gama Perruci, professor of leadership studies at Marietta College published the book “Teaching Leadership: Bridging Theory and Practice.” Since its publication, the book has topped the Amazon New Releases chart in Social Studies Teaching Materials and currently ranks at number three on the list. The book focuses on the idea of whether leadership can be taught, said Perruci.

On April 2018, the Los Angeles Rams added two men to their cheerleading squad, becoming the first National Football League team to have male dancers on the field.

The Accidental Fan: Sports Film for NARPS — Spirit Fingers


This article will commence a new, ongoing and semi-random series in my column: “Sports Films for NARPs.” Columns for this series will address sports films that are potentially accessible to non-sports fans. In my last three columns, I tackled the controversial sport of professional wrestling.


Students march against sexual assault


“Say it loud, say it clear, rapists are not welcome here!” “No hate, no fear, survivors are welcome here!” These chants echoed down Webster Avenue Wednesday night as demonstrators marched in solidarity with survivors of sexual violence.


Cleanup efforts proceed at Rennie Farm


The College has reported a reduction in the presence of the toxic chemical 1,4-dioxane at Rennie Farm, a site in northern Hanover where the College was permitted to dispose laboratory animal corpses generated from medical research in the 1960s and 1970s.


Hanover Police equips officers with body cameras


The Hanover Police Department is now equipping its officers with body-worn cameras. The new technology, which the department began using on July 23, will be used to record crime and accident scenes, according to chief of police Charlie Dennis. “We certainly feel that it’s a great technology and a great tool to add to the Hanover Police Department,” Dennis said.


Baseball accident prompts lawsuit


Colton French ’19 is suing the College after a Feb. 9, 2016 baseball incident left him with serious injuries and loss of vision in his right eye. The incident occurred when French used an L-shaped screen to pitch to a batter in a net-enclosed practice area inside Leverone Arena.